
Here we share our informed opinions on the issues that affect you as a worker and your general well-being as a worker. We aim to help you get the most out of life both in the workplace and at home by sharing our take on various matters that affect how we live and work.

Should we have a simpler taxation system?

Personally I would like the tax system to be less complicated. For example let’s have a look at personal income taxes for Australian workers. Below is how we are currently being taxed: TAXABLE INCOME                             TAX PAYABLE ON THIS INCOME $0 – $18,200                                                             [...]


I guess the first question that needs to be answered is, how much are we actually paying in welfare? Well in the 2010/11 financial year welfare spending in Australia was $120 billion, with $90 billion of that being paid out in cash payments, such as unemployment benefits. Throughout that year this $120 billion paid on [...]

By |April 21st, 2015|Opinions|

Do we pay too much in personal income tax? Is there a solution?

I think that most people may agree that we do pay too much in personal income taxes or at the very least they may agree that they would prefer to pay less on their taxes if it was sustainable. Below are the personal income tax rates of Australia and three other countries: USA, Canada and [...]

By |November 17th, 2014|Opinions|

Slowest Wage Growth In Australia For 25 Years

The Australian reports this week that The National Australia Bank released a set of figures which confirms that Australia is currently experiencing the slowest rate of wage growth of any time in the past 25 years. The figures show that average wages are rising by only 1.5% per annum, which is a stark decrease when [...]

By |November 3rd, 2014|Opinions|

Push to encourage more trades-based careers

There is an article published by the Sunday Times that says new research by Worldskills shows that just one in four West Australians is looking at a career in trades: http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/push-to-encourage-more-tradesbased-careers-as-perth-prepares-to-host-the-worldskills-jobs-expo-in-september/story-fnhocxo3-1227002598031?nk=bfc95586ed9e1d4f8307827be6a3d25f Four out of five West Australians stated that a trade-based career was something that could be aspired to. Three quarters of respondents hadn’t considered [...]

By |August 7th, 2014|Opinions|
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