Martin has been employed with Blue Collar People since June 2017.employee of the year - Mark

He has worked as an Electrician for various customers and we have always received excellent feedback. He is motivated and eager to learn.

Thank you for all of your hard work to date and Blue Collar People look forward to your continued efforts.

Name: Martin Henderson

Role: Electrician

Brief Description of duties: Responsible for the installation and commissioning of electrical systems and equipment on single and three phase supplies

Employment length: 12 Months with Blue Collar People

What do you enjoy about your role: No two days are the same and variety brings job satisfaction.

What do you find most challenging: Working with unfamiliar equipment is challenging but necessary develop my own experience and skills.

What has surprised you working with BCP: Very friendly, Informative and supportive, no complaints.

What has been a big achievement for you: Meeting employers, supervisor’s expectations and completing work to a high standard within deadlines.

What do you hope to achieve in your role: To further develop my own experience and skills in the Electrical Industry.

What would you like to be known for: A resourceful, hard-working and trustworthy Electrician.

What are your hobbies/interests: Outdoor lifestyle, camping, cycling, and fishing

What do you like to do in your spare time: Like to try new things and travel is always great.

What is something your colleagues might not know about you: I’m a pretty open book and if I haven’t mentioned it they probably don’t need to know

Where do you hope to be in 5 year’s time: More settled here in Australia.

Any other comments you want to add: Thank you for the Employee of the month Award, I am pleased to see my efforts recognised and appreciated.