Mining Labour Hire Perth Western Australia

A lot of workers with diverse skills are required to keep a mine in operation. Resource extraction operations require electricians, drillers, welders, heavy machinery operators, truck drivers and labourers among others to run their business. Sourcing and hiring workers for all the positions for a mining operation can be a challenging task requiring a robust human resource department.Get The Most Out Of Your Temporary Workers

With labour hire, mining companies can get the workers they require without overwhelming their HR. A labour hire firm will provide employees with the required skills and experience needed for the specified job role minus the hassles and cost of employee recruitment.
Advantages of using labour hire in mining.

Some of the advantages of using labour hire in mining include:

  • Flexibility. A labour hire arrangement enables you to have a flexible workforce. The number of workers can be adjusted freely to suit the labour requirements at that particular time. This is especially useful in the resources sector where demand for commodities keeps fluctuating.
  • Reduced staff administration costs. With labour hire, clients don’t pay on-hired staff directly but rather make payments to the labour hire firm. This means that payroll maintenance is left to the firm. Your company is also not responsible for employee entitlements and insurance.
  • Large skill pools. With labour hire, you get to tap into the labour hire firm’s large skill pool to get workers for different roles. If you need a certain skill-set for a one-off task, you can bring in a temporary worker from a labour hire firm to work in the company for the duration of the project.

Workforce Labour Hire

You can take your labour hire arrangement a notch higher by opting for workforce labour hire. With this advanced labour hire solution, you’ll be provided with a complete workforce solution for your mining operation that includes skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers. This will enable you to run a mining operation with only the minimum number of permanent employees while outsourcing the rest of the workforce.

Job types that are covered by workforce labour hire include: sampler, mechanic’s help, drillers assistant, crusher operator, floatation operator, warehouse person, driller, blast hole driller, blaster, welder, plumber, mechanic, machinist, pipefitter/steamfitter, electrician, mine clerk, secretary, mining technician, engineering technician among others.

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By |July 11th, 2016|Opinions|
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