Labour Industry News

In this section, we talk about developments that affect the labour market, upcoming work opportunities and give you a wholistic view of the labour market with particular focus on how it will affect both the currently employed and job seekers.

Reasons Why Perth Labour Hire Suits You

Labour Hire in Perth. There are many different reasons for hiring a temp employee from a labour hire company. Here are some relevant scenarios where labour hire is suitable for your company. When an employee leaves In Business, challenges often present themselves. For example having to replace a worker who has left is a very [...]

Why Having A Skilled Workforce Is Essential

Ask any successful entrepreneur or business leader, and they will tell you that their human resources are the most important component of their organisation. That’s because the success or failure of any business highly depends on the quality of labour available to it. Every organisation needs a skilled workforce.  So many industries are becoming more [...]

What Does A Labour Hire Agency Screen For?

Screening is one of the most important steps when hiring new employees by a business and is one of the most intensive. For a business that uses the services of a labour hire agency, all this organisation needs to do is inform the labour hire agent of their current labour needs and within a short [...]

The Use Of AI In Recruitment

There are a few different schools of thought out there when it comes to the subjects of both recruiting and employment and the affects AI (Artificial Intelligence) is having right now, and will have in the near future. In this post we’re going to explore how AI is playing a role in recruitment and employment [...]

Labour Hire Australia

Reasons why labour hire is popular with many businesses There’re several reasons why temping as a service has grown to become an entire industry – the labour hire industry. Labour hire offers the following: Workforce flexibility. Many businesses face periodic fluctuations in demand, meaning their labour requirements keep shifting throughout the year. Labour hire gives [...]

Legal Obligations For Labour Hire Companies in Australia

2002 estimates by the Australian Government Productivity Commission put the number of Australians working through labour hire at about 270,000 – that was about 2.9% of the employed population at the time. Currently, labour hire work arrangements still employ hundreds of thousands of people contributing about 2% of the commonwealth’s workforce. And with over 5,800 [...]

BCP Opinion: Recruiting Trends In 2019

All businesses need workers – fulltime, part-time, casual or temporary – and it doesn’t matter what industry your business is in either. Whether it’s white collar, retail, blue collar or otherwise, for continued productivity and growth, you’ll need people to maintain and grow the business. That then begs the question: What are the recruitment trends [...]

WA Monthly News Round-up for September 2018

Bid to make Perth a hub for LNG promises a jobs bonanza for WA, plans to build a new plant for manufacturing railcars in Perth unveiled, and a new bill to modernise the state’s outdated water laws to be introduced; all in our WA monthly briefs. Proposed LNG hub promises job bonanza for WA WA [...]

Current Unemployment Stats For Perth

Unemployment rate as a percentage among workforce-eligible 15-24 year olds for February 2017 (Released 23 March 2017) WA 12.2% Greater Perth 12.9% Mandurah 19.1% Perth – Inner 8.1% Perth – NE 13.3% Perth – NW 13.0% Perth – SE 11.4% Perth – SW 15.6% Bunbury 8.0% WA Outback 6.7% WA Wheatbelt 18.1% Rest of WA [...]

Perth Construction – Labour Market Trends Update

It seems to be all good news for construction projects in 2016 so far. Here’s a round up of what there is to look forward to in coming months. Already Commenced Yagan Square, CBD A food and entertainment precinct that will link rail and bus lines, this project commenced mid February and is predicted to [...]

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