Part Time Workers Perth

At some point in time, just about every business will require the services of part time workers. It could be that you have a particular project that requires extra hands on deck on a temporary basis, or you just need additional labour that’s not required fulltime.

If you need part time workers in Perth for your business, discover how labour hire can help simplify the process of recruitment, while at the same time, still reap the enormous benefits of having a part time workforce on hand when you need it.

The Definition of Part Time Work

As far as weekly hours go, there is no absolute set abount that constitutes a part time job, but generally if the hours are less than 30 per week, the employee would be considered a part timer.

In Australia the average part time employee would work anywhere between 15 to 25 hours per week, and sometimes the hours will vary from week to week.How Trades Labour Hire Can Help Your Business 2 400x267

There is also permanent part time work, where part time employees get paid for holidays, public holidays and superannuation, and then there is casual part time, where employees don’t get paid the above benefits, but do receive a higher hourly rate to compensate.

Some Advantages of Hiring Part Time Workers Perth

At certain times of the year your company or business might require extra staff to handle an increase in the workload. This is often the case for some businesses at Christmas time, as an example. If you only need temporary staff on a part time basis, it makes no sense to hire fulltime employees for a month or two.

Another example might be that you require two workers with different skillsets, but there are not enough hours of work available to hire both workers on a fulltime basis.

Another obvious advantage if you only need to employ people part time is the savings on the amount of wages you have to pay. You can also vary the number of weekly hours if need be, giving you a lot more flexibility than what you experience with fulltime staff.

Benefits of Part Time Work for Workers

Although some potential employees may prefer fulltime work, there are plenty of workers who enjoy part time opportunities because of the freedom, flexibility and the advantage of having more time to enjoy other pursuits.

Part time work is the perfect fit for people who are studying, have a second job, working on building an online business, caring for family members and so on.

Another advantage for part timers is there is flexibility in the time of the day they work; morning, afternoon, or possibly evening shifts.

Why Hire Part Time Workers Through Blue Collar People?

If you need blue collar labour on a part time basis in Perth, then it only makes sense to let the team at Blue Collar People handle the recruitment and deployment of your workers for you.

We set the hourly rates and pay the workers on your behalf, sending you an invoice for the total number of hours worked. All worker benefits are covered by us, and since we’ve been in the game since 1990, you can be assured that we’ll only send you the very best and most qualified staff.

It saves you time and the hassle of advertising. We have experienced staff on hand right when you need them, so get in touch today.

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