Read some FAQs regarding job seeking with Blue Collar People
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Does BCP hire casuals for holiday or weekend work?
Can I suspend my registration with you if I find other work?
How old must I be to register with BCP and what do I need?
Once registered with BCP, do I keep looking for work elsewhere?
So, what happens once you find a job that might suit me?
Q: Does BCP hire casuals for holiday or weekend work?
A: Yes! If you are currently in full time work you are encouraged and welcomed to register with us as you may require some extra work during your holidays or on weekends. You may also be looking for a change and a bit of varied work through us, may suit you. Uni Students are strongly encouraged to register with us for work if they need work to help them to earn an income while they are completing their degrees. They have the flexibility of letting us know which day or days they would like us to find work for them on-and we will do just that (for free!). For example some Uni students may want work on weekends and on a Wednesday only-and we will then only offer them work that match their preferences. Of course during their UNI breaks they may wish to cash up and work full time during their holidays and we will provide them with that too.
Q: Can I suspend my registration with you if I find other work?
A: Yes! If your circumstances were to change and you no longer need our help then you can just ring us and say “I have a job for the moment” and we then flag you on our system that you are not to be called until you let us know that you need our help again. Since you are already registered with us you just need to phone us to activate your place with us again.
Q: How old must I be to register with BCP and what do I need?
A: In a nutshell: You don’t need any special skills to register with us, as long as you are 18 years and over and are prepared to work. You don’t have to bring a resume if you don’t have one, but it does help. Just bring along your driver’s licence, any tickets such as forklift driving etc, any truck driving licenses and any trade papers and/or work related qualifications. We will then have a one on one chat with you (and there is no pressure as you are not competing with other applicants for a specific job). Our recruitment consultants will ask you all about your different skills acquired right throughout your working lives (we are experts at finding out all of this information). This will help to match you against any job that comes up that you are suited to.
Q: Once registered with BCP, do I keep looking for work elsewhere?
A: One of the greatest things about registering and working for Blue Collar People is that you no longer need to look for and/or apply for other jobs as we will do that for you. Plus we make sure that it is the type of work that you are after, and that it is not too far to drive to.
Q: So, what happens once you find a job that might suit me?
A: We will then ring you and we will tell you all about the job, i.e. where it is, what it is doing, what it is paying, how many hours per week and for how long. Then it is entirely up to you if you want to take it on or not. The only stipulation that we have is that if you decide to take it that you see it out to completion of the assignment.
Our advice is to come and see us right away and we will help you or check out our Job Seekers page.