
Here we share our informed opinions on the issues that affect you as a worker and your general well-being as a worker. We aim to help you get the most out of life both in the workplace and at home by sharing our take on various matters that affect how we live and work.

10 traits of the ideal worker

What makes you the ideal worker? We are all human and we all have very different personalities and traits. The workforce is a very diverse mix of people, however there are a select few of us out there that have particular traits that make us the ideal worker. Ideal workers have some common traits. If [...]

Work Tip: Benefits Of Drinking Water At Work

  It’s common knowledge that the majority of our body weight is made up of water – about 60% to be precise. The human body is heavily reliant on water to function properly as it helps carry nutrients to body cells and flush out toxins from vital organs. But what are the Benefits Of Drinking [...]

By |October 25th, 2016|Opinions|

The Tesla Effect, WA’s mining future

Hailed as the “future metal” and “the new petroleum”, lithium has become one of the most popular minerals in recent times. The major driving factor for its popularity is its use in the manufacture of batteries where it’s a major component. Although lithium batteries have been around for a while now, we haven’t seen lithium [...]

By |July 11th, 2016|Opinions|

Do We Need Tax Reform In Australia?

I believe that we may be well overdue for us to seriously consider and to talk amongst ourselves about having an overhaul of our existing taxation system and replacing it with a new reformed system that may have better outcomes for us, such as providing: (i)                  A stimulus for economic growth – that would end [...]

By |November 16th, 2015|Opinions|

Does Age-Related Decline in Ability Correspond with Retirement Age?

Dr. David Martin, professor emeritus at Georgia State University and a leading expert on distance running, defines aging as “… the price we pay for living”. This to me is the most accurate definition of aging. As long as you are alive, you cannot escape it. Although we all agree that no one can withstand [...]

By |August 31st, 2015|Opinions|

Politicians Expense & Retirement Entitlements – Do We Need To Crack Down On Them?

You decide – but first let me mention some of the salaries, entitlements and retirement benefits that our politicians are currently receiving. Our Prime Minister’s salary is currently $507,000 per annum, the Opposition Leader earns a salary of $360,990, Cabinet Ministers are earning $336,000 per year and the annual salary of a backbencher is over [...]

By |August 18th, 2015|Opinions|

The World Needs Both visionaries and problem solvers

Interesting read: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-bill-r-path/six-degrees-to-skilled-la_b_7486326.html?ir=India&adsSiteOverride=in Visionaries and Problem Solvers As our reliance on technology continually increases, it is easy to think that our reliance on skilled workers, otherwise known as blue collar workers, has decreased. With modern conveniences literally at our fingertips, we have come to think that we are self-sufficient, but this can’t be further from [...]

By |July 27th, 2015|Opinions|

The Future of Digital Jobs

An interesting article  http://www.forbes.com/sites/scotthartley/2015/06/30/future-digital-jobs-blue-collar/  made me think about how technology may impact the recruitment / labour hire business. There are two different employment categories that employers or companies are looking for when they want to take on workers, and they are:  They need them for the foreseeable future and therefore require a “permanent” employee or [...]

By |July 24th, 2015|Opinions|
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