Blue Collar People News

Catch up on all the latest news and announcements from Blue Collar People. In this section, you get to read about all the new developments in our company and meet the people who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure our customers’ needs are satisfied to the highest of standards.

The Use Of AI In Recruitment

There are a few different schools of thought out there when it comes to the subjects of both recruiting and employment and the affects AI (Artificial Intelligence) is having right now, and will have in the near future. In this post we’re going to explore how AI is playing a role in recruitment and employment [...]

Perth & WA Monthly Industry News Bulletin – May 2019

WA achieves budget surplus thanks to increased ore prices and a higher GST allotment; The EPA gives approval recommendation for $516 million Greenbushes lithium mine expansion; McGowan’s Government allocates $1.52 billion to fixing Perth’s busy roads, and; tax reprieve in sight for WA businesses as Treasurer hints at a possible payroll tax reduction in the [...]

WA Monthly News Round-up for Nov 2018

Landfill-free age beckons for Perth as Kwinana waste plant construction commences, new tax for oil and gas companies, and female participation in BHP’s South Flank operation lifted; all in our WA monthly news brief. Landfill-free Perth beckons Construction works have commenced on Australia’s first large-scale waste-to-energy plant located in Kwinana. As well as creating jobs, [...]

Employee Of The Month: Mark

Mark has been employed with Blue Collar People for the past 4 months as a general labourer and constantly receives positive feedback from our customers. Mark always accepts work, is reliable and puts in a solid days effort. He is also eager to learn new skills and further his knowledge. Thank you for all of [...]

WA Monthly News Round-up for September 2018

Bid to make Perth a hub for LNG promises a jobs bonanza for WA, plans to build a new plant for manufacturing railcars in Perth unveiled, and a new bill to modernise the state’s outdated water laws to be introduced; all in our WA monthly briefs. Proposed LNG hub promises job bonanza for WA WA [...]

BCP Joins The Local Government Supervisors Association of WA Inc.

The Directors of Blue Collar People are very pleased to announce that Blue Collar People has been welcomed as a Corporate member of the Local Government Supervisors Association of Western Australia INC (LGSA). We look forward to being a part of the LGSA and working with them, assisting them and Local Government with the provision [...]

Employee Case Study: Steve Harris

Labour hire has many benefits for workers. Steve Harris is one of Blue Collar People’s workers that knows all about this. Steve joined Blue Collar People over a year ago and has been labouring on residential and commercial construction sites across Perth. Steve has acquired many new skills from working on diverse jobs. At Blue Collar [...]

Blue Collar People Choose To Support Redkite

Blue Collar People are pleased to announce their support for Redkite. Owner Fernando Ortiz explains: “The reason why I wanted to get involved with supporting Redkite is because I feel I am extremely lucky to have 3 healthy children of my own and the thought of young children and young adults having cancer is, for [...]

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