Employee / Staff Management

Understanding and managing your employees and staff members is of vital importance to your company’s operations and potential to succeed in your industry. It is important that within your business you can foresee tougher times ahead and prepare accordingly. In this category you can expect to find  useful information and tools that you can put into action within your business to ensure that you are optimally managing your employees and ensuring that your staff management skills are giving your workforce the best opportunity to succeed!

Contract Workers or Labour Hire? What’s The Difference?

Every once in a while, businesses require extra “hands” to help out with work overflow or to cover for an absent employee. Because of the short-term nature of these kinds of positions, businesses often prefer to hire employees on a non-permanent basis. It is at this moment that the manager in charge has to decide […]

Construction Labour Hire – What You Need To Know?

Using labour hire to deal with staffing needs has become very popular across all industries. In the past, labour hire was primarily used as a way to cover labour gaps when employees went on leave, fell ill or to cope with increased demand. It provided replacement employees for simple positions such as secretaries and file […]

Busy Times Ahead, Temps To The Rescue

There is no better time for a business than when it’s completely swamped by work. When a business is getting overwhelmed by work, it means that the systems and strategies put in place to grow the business are working. It also means that the consumers are loving the product and want more of it! Busy […]

Christmas Staff Shortage, Try Labour Hire

Christmas is here; good news for everyone but not so good for your business as they may experience a staff shortage. This is because most of your employees would like to take some time to spend with their families while others want to use up the large amount of annual leave they have left. Regardless […]

Staff Shortage or Away On Holiday? Use Labour Hire

You might have adequate staff for operations during normal times but events such as sales peaks and employees going away on holiday could leave you grappling with a serious labour shortage. Other events that could lead to a shortage of staff in your company include employees taking sick leave, maternity leave, workers suddenly quitting their […]

What Does Labour Hire Agency Screen For?

Screening is one of the most important steps when hiring new employees by a business and is one of the most intensive. For a business that uses the services of a labour hire agency, all this organisation needs to do is inform the labour hire agent of their current labour needs and within a short […]

Client or Candidate – Who Do We Work For?

As a labour hire agency, we work as an intermediary between job seekers and employers. We work for the client looking for temporary or permanent blue collar workers and the candidate looking for gainful employment. Most people assume that since the clients foot the bill, all the focus will be directed towards them, but this […]

5 Steps to Success with Your Temporary Staff

Temporary workers are important for companies because they cover employee absences, seasonal needs, special projects and provide a way to screen potential permanent employees. When used strategically, temporary employees or “temps” can help improve productivity, increase capacity, and provide access to specialised skills without increasing your business’ fixed expenses. So how do you ensure that […]

Tips for Hiring Temp Staff Night Shift

Hiring temporary workers is an ideal solution for companies that have large fluctuations in workloads and companies that are often short-staffed. Other reasons that would make companies need to hire temporary workers (temps) include; busy seasons, vacation time offs and employee emergencies that would otherwise stretch the remaining workers. Hiring temps also helps you maintain […]

5 Strategies for Improving Employee Motivation

Employers put considerable effort and resources in the recruitment of the best people, but very often very little is then done to keep these high performing individuals in their most productive state. This is because employee motivation remains a mystery to a lot of managers – and it shouldn’t be. It doesn’t matter how big […]

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